June 26, 2006

The return of the evil knee

The evil knee has struck again! This time it's in the back of the knee, instead of the side. I called and begged and got into the doctor today. Very nice man, Dr Stevens. I like doctors that make you feel like a person and not a chart. Anyway, he pokes and prods and tells me my ligaments are okay, which is good news. The bad news is, I seem to have pulled my hamstring muscle, right at the base. And I have tendonitous, to top it all off.

Sigh, I just can't win.


Anonymous said...

My poor honey. *gentle knee kisses* Hopefully this round of icing and resting will take care of it once and for all.

Bainwen Gilrana said...

Your poor knee! I think we need to get you a knee transplant.

Lizzy Leigh said...

A knee trasnplant might not be such a bad idea at this point! I wonder if we can steal someone's kidney's and their knees?

Anonymous said...

I can think of a few people we could harvest kidneys and knees from. :D

Bainwen Gilrana said...

When they have to replace knee ligaments they use ones from cadavers, so I think we could certainly arrange for a knee transplant!